Archive for November, 2018

A Very Special Journey to Volunteering

Women Who Inspire – A Florida Hospital for Women Series  Karen Kaczmarek has only been in Central Florida three years, but she has found a very special way to give back to the community as a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) “cuddler” — a volunteer who gives love and gentle hugs to the tiniest babies. Read More…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Leading Cause of Infertility

PCOS is an insulin resistance (prediabetes) syndrome Do you have irregular periods? Are you dealing with excess hair growth on your body, or with thinning hair on your head? How about unexplained weight gain?  Have you been trying, and failing, to conceive a baby for more than six months? Do you have central fat, cravings Read More…

Fun for All at Festival of Trees

Filled with twinkling lights and glittering trees, the Orlando Museum of Art is a spectacle to see during the Festival of Trees. This long-standing, now in its 32nd year, fundraiser for the Museum remains popular because each year there’s a new theme and crop of Christmas trees. Presented by Council of 101, this year’s event Read More…